Live recording from the Mostly Modern Festival, June 2018.
Instrumentation: Solo piano
Written: Spring 2014
Duration: 8 min
Premiere: premiered by Adrian Ries on the University of Oklahoma Composition Studio recital, April 11th, 2014.
Program Notes:
Many words in the English language are frequently mixed up due to similar spellings, but with very different meanings. One pair I have often struggled with is "loose" and "lose." After this work was completed and I was looking for a title to cover its unusual character, I thought of these two words. There are points in the piece where the effect is of losing control, but the player must always be in control to avoid actually falling apart. Thus, a sense of loose control can be thought to cover this balance.
"Playing expressively requires loose control, but you can easily lose control."
Dance Suite Elegy Éros Fire He Would Not Stay Hyperion The Juniper Tree Loose Control Mnemosyne Prana Twilight